Department News
Selection the Faculty Security of Universities (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent in 19\1\2012 by Prof. Dr. Minister of Higher Education about selecting a security for Higher Supreme of Universities at the University according to evaluation criterion.
Launching of Two New Websites (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about launching two new websites.
Training Session of Nanotechnology and Its Related Researches(February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about holding a training session of Nano technology and its related researches.
Announcement about scientific committees (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about forming scientific committees and list of judges.
Approval of Request for Prof. Dr. Essam Mohammad El Sawaf (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has approved the submitted request of Prof. Dr. Essam Mohammad El Sawaf about renewing his unpaid vacation for one year to accompany his wife to Qatar and that according to regulations and laws.
Higher Education Development Project (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent from Tem pus office in 5\2\2012 for launching project of Higher education development throughout Tempus program and the last date for applying is will be in 23\2\2012.
Universities Relations with Works Sector (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent from vice president of Post Graduate Studies Affairs in 12\2\2012 and referred to Tempus program and the relation between universities and works sector and ways of developing it.
Approval of Doctorate degree for physician\ Mona Ahmed (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has approved the submitted request of physician\ Mona Ahmed Abd El Baqy El Awady about granting her the doctorate degree at public health after discussing her doctorate thesis in 1\1\2012.
The 4th International Conference of Industrial Facilities Management (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent in 14\2\2012 from vice president of Post graduate studies about holding the 4th International Conference. The Conference will be held at the Higher Institute in Belbis in the period from 3 to 4 of April 2012 under the title of “Social, Economic and Arabic Investment in Atmosphere of Freedom and Justice”.
Approval for Accrediting New Specialists of Labs (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent in 12\2\2012 from the general manager of the Faculty about the Department need for three specialists of labs..
Activation of Students’ Presence and Absenteeism (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent in 14\2\2012 from Prof. Dr. the Faculty deputy of Students Affairs for activating presence and absenteeism of students and to use electronic fingerprint..
Dividing Students at Lectures (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has informed about what sent in 14\2\2012 from Prof. Dr. the Faculty deputy of Students Affairs for dividing students to two groups at lectures and eight groups at scientific lessons..
Approval of Routine Holiday for Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hatem Fathy (February 2012)
The council of Community medicine met in its session No. 226 that was held on Sunday, 19\2\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fawzy El Gindy and Prof. Hala Ibrahim Abd El Wahid, the council secretary and it has approved the submitted request of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hatem Fathy about getting a routine holiday for four weeks and approved his travelling abroad from 28\4\2012 to 25\5\2012 according to laws and regulations.