
1. Annual Conference of Ophthalmology Department Thursday, 28/02/2008 ,jointly with Egyptian Ophthalmology society  the Egyptian, which was held in  major conferences Hall at the university.

2. Annual Conference of Molecular Biology Unit entitled (Stem Cells Between Dream & Reality) 2/4-3/4/2008  in El-Knater El-khairia ,Qaliubya.

3. The Conference of Dermatology Department and titled (New In The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Skin Diseases) during the period from 8 / 5 / to 10 / 5 / / 2008 Helnan Hotel in Port Said.

4. Scientific Symposium, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat on Wednesday 23/4/2008, which was held in the College Council Hall.

5. Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department was  held on Monday, 5/5/2008, entitled (Dynamic Urination For Women).

6. Scientific Conference of the Molecular Biology Unit, MBU entitled (Real Time PCR and its  Scientific Application) in the period from 22 - 23/10 / 2008 in College Council Hall .
7. Scientific Conference of Pediatrics Department, entitled (The Elimination Of Rheumatic Heart In Children) will be held on Wednesday 29/10/2008 in  the conference hall in local popular council , Qalubya Governorate .

8. Scientific Conference of the Chest Department  entitled (World Day of COPD for 2008) will be held on Wednesday, 19/11/2008, which was held in Major Conferences Hall At The University.

9. Student Conference of the Fifth Annual Scientific Assembly of the student Benha Faculty of Medicine, titled (Medical Fellowships And Equations) and that on Saturday 28 / 2 Sunday, 1/3/2009 in the conference hall in the Mubarak Public Library.

10. International Day for the Pediatrics Department  under the title (Re-Activation Of The Friendly Hospitals For Mother And Baby), on Monday 16/3/2009.

11. Scientific Symposium of the Radiology Department of, entitled (The Art Of Dealing With The Ironing By Using Heat Exchange In Patients With Liver Diseases)  on Monday 16/3/2009, Department of Radiology University Hospital in Banha.

12. Scientific Conference of Chest Department entitled (Lower Respiratory Infections) on Friday, 3/4/2009 in Library Susan Mubarak Hall in Qaliubya.

13. Seventh Annual Conference of Hepatology & Gastroenterology Department   , titled (New In Liver And Digestive Tract Diseases) held on Wednesday and Thursday, 8, 9/4/2009 Hall of the popular  council and Hepatology & Gastroenterology Department   Benha University Hospital.

14. Seventh scientific Conference of Dermatology Department (The Updated Treatments For Skin Infections) in the period from 7 - 9/5/2009 in Port Said.