
Exams Time-table (May 2012)

The council of Obestric and Gynecology department met on Monday, 7\5\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Attya Nasr, the Department head and Prof. Dr. Moharam Abd El Hassyieb Abd El Hay, the council security and it has informed about exams timetable for (Bachelor-diploma – master – doctorate)..

Exams Committees for Post _Graduate Studies Students' (May 2012)

The council of Obestric and Gynecology department met on Monday, 7\5\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Attya Nasr, the Department head and Prof. Dr. Moharam Abd El Hassyieb Abd El Hay, the council security and it has informed about exams committees for Post- graduate studies Students'.

Setting Exams for the Department (May 2012)

The council of Obestric and Gynecology department met on Monday, 7\5\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Attya Nasr, the Department head and Prof. Dr. Moharam Abd El Hassyieb Abd El Hay, the council security and it has informed about the received letter from the Faculty deputy of Post – graduate studies about setting exams for the department.. 

Special Topics of Post – Graduate Studies committee (May 2012)

The council of Obestric and Gynecology department met on Monday, 7\5\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Attya Nasr, the Department head and Prof. Dr. Moharam Abd El Hassyieb Abd El Hay, the council security and it has informed about the received letter from the Faculty deputy of Post – graduate studies for the special topics od Post –graduate studies committee.

Suggestions and Modified Suggestions (May 2012)

The council of Obestric and Gynecology department met on Monday, 7\5\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Attya Nasr, the Department head and Prof. Dr. Moharam Abd El Hassyieb Abd El Hay, the council security and it has informed about the received letter from the Faculty deputy of Post – graduate studies for any suggestion or modified suggestions.

Approval for Continuing Diploma of Lamiaa Mohammad and Noha Kamal (May 2012)

The council of Obestric and Gynecology department met on Monday, 7\5\2012 under presidency of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Attya Nasr, the Department head and Prof. Dr. Moharam Abd El Hassyieb Abd El Hay, the council security and it has approved the submitted request of Physician\ Lamiaa Mohammad Taha El Deeb and Physician\Noha Kamal Abd El Sattar about continuing he diploma.

Activation of Researchers at the Annual Conference

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 about activating Egyptian participation of academics and researchers at the annual conference which entitled Egypt between today and the future.

The 6th Scientific Conference at Faculty of Law

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 about the 6th Scientific Conference at faculty of Law, Banha University in the period from 7 to 8 of April 2012.

New Session at Medical Technology Centre

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 and informed about holding session at Medical Technology Centre of Alexandria University. 

Obstetrics and Gynecology conference at Cairo University

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 and informed about Obstetrics and Gynecology conference at Cairo University.

External Clinics Conference

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 to discuss the submitted suggestion of External clinics conference in the period from 6\6\2012 to 8\6\2012.

Administrative Order of Stores and Pharmacies

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 to discuss the administrative order which relates to stores and pharmacies at the hospital.

New Suggestions of Open Education Cases

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 to discuss suggestions of some cases which relates to open education and the new law of organizing universities.

Discussing Report of Prof. Dr\ Mohammad Abd El Sallam

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 and informed about the submitted report of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abd El Sallam.

Scientific Committees and Rules of Work

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was informed about rules of work system at the scientific committees. 

New Program of Human Resources Development Center

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was informed about holding the program of Human Resources Development Center.

Tempus Program

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was informed about holding Tempus program which relates to studying relations among universities and labors sector.

Announcement for the Faculty Members

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University approved for nominating the Faculty members for occupying position of the Faculty deputy at the following departments ; Students Affairs, Post Graduate Studies Affairs and Community Service and Environmental Development.

Approval of Protocols

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 to discuss the submitted protocols of Physician\ Ahmed Sabry Ahmed Abd Allah , Physician\ Ehab Magid Mohammad Abd El Rahman , Physician\ Sherein Mohammad Naguieb and Physician\ Israa Mustafa Abd El Hamid.

Report of Master Thesis Discussion

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 to discuss the submitted report about the masters theses of physician\ Dalia Ahmed Fouad Mustafa and Physician\ Waleed Mohammad Tawfiq.

Approval of Master Thesis Extension at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University approved for extending the master thesis registration of Physician\ Noha Nazeh Mohammad and that was according to supervisors' approval.

Approval of Master Theses Discussions

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University approved for discussing the master thesis of Physician\ Amany Saad El Azab and Physician\ Samir Fathy Hassan and that according to laws and regulations.

Apology for Master Thesis Discussion

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University approved the submitted apology of Prof. Dr. Galal El Khouly about discussing the master thesis of Physician\ Hind Ahmed Aoudah according to laws and regulations.

Previewing Note Approval

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at faculty of Medicine, Banha University approved for previewing the note of Prof. Dr. Ayman Assaf which belongs to the master thesis of Physician Hamada Abd El Qader and that according to regulations and laws.

Cancellation of Master Thesis Registration at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department was met on Monday, 20\2\2012 for cancelling the master registration of Physician\ Mohammad Fawzy Helmy Mijahid according to regulations and Laws.

Meeting Minutes of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

The council of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department approved for continuing the master thesis registration of Physician\ Miadah Mohammad Metwally according to regulations and laws.