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Pediatrics department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Muhammad Abd el Kareem Osman about discussing her master on Monday, 8/5/2016. The Discussion committee included; Prof.Dr., Ashraf Muhammad Shahin, Professor of Pediatrics at the faculty, Prof. Dr., Akram el Shafi el Sadeq, Lecturer of Pediatrics, Prof.Dr, Iman Gamal Beheiry, Lecturer of Medical anatomy.

     Pediatrics department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Muhammad Abd el Kareem Osman about discussing his master on Monday, 8/5/2016. The Discussion committee included; Prof.Dr.Bahaa el Din Muhammad Hasanien, Professor of Pediatrics at the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Osama Abu el fotouh, Professor of Pediatrics at the faculty, Prof.Dr, Amer Muhammad el Khasab, the head of Newly-born infants at el Galaa Hospital. 

  Pediatrics department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Asmaa Mustafa Muhammad Ali about discussing her master on Thursday, 8/5/2016. The Discussion committee included; Prof.Dr. Muhammad Zakaria Nile, Professor of Pediatrics at the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Muhammad Shahin, Professor of Pediatrics at the faculty, Prof.Dr.Akram el Shafi el Sadeq, Lecturer of Pediatrics and Prof.Dr. Iman Gamal Beheiry, Lecturer of Medical anatomy.   

Dermatology and Anderology  department has approved the submitted request of Physician/Shrouk Adel Muhammad Sabry about extending her registration from October 2015 to October 2016. The department approved according to the internal regulations.      

Dermatology and Anderology  department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Mariam el Sabaa Abd Gawad about continuing her master thesis. She got Dermatology and Anderology diploma and her grade was good in February 2015 and the registration date was in October 2012. The department approved according to the internal regulations.      

Dermatology and Andrology department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Rania Lofty Muhammad Ibrahim about discussing her master thesis. The supervision committee included; Prof.Dr. Nancy Wade Micheal, the assistant professor of Dermatology and Anderology, Prof. Dr.Mohamed Saber Hussein, the Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology , Prof.Dr. Essam Muhammad Akal, Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty. The discussion committee included; Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abd Wahab Saleh, the assistant professor of  Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abd el Wahad Gaber , the professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the Minfoyia University and Prof.Dr. Nancy Wade Micheal, the assistant professor of Dermatology and Anderology.

Dermatology and Andrology department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Rania Lofty Muhammad Ibrahim about discussing her master thesis. The supervision committee included; Prof.Dr. Nancy Wade Micheal, the assistant professor of Dermatology and Anderology, Prof. Dr.Mohamed Saber Hussein, the Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology , Prof.Dr. Essam Muhammad Akal, Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty. The discussion committee included; Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abd Wahab Saleh, the assistant professor of  Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abd el Wahad Gaber , the professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the Minfoyia University and Prof.Dr. Nancy Wade Micheal, the assistant professor of Dermatology and Anderology.

   Dermatology and Andrology department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Gaber Abdo Sohil Ali about discussing his master thesis. The supervision committee included; Prof.Dr. Abd el Aziz Ibrahim el Tawil, the head and professor of Dermatology and Anderology, Prof. Dr. Ayman Abd Salam Hamed, the professor of Ophthalmology, Prof.Dr. Essam Muhammad Akal, Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty. The discussion committee included; Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abd Wahab Saleh, the  assistant professor of  Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty  , Prof. Dr. Atia Abd Allah Atia , the  professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the el Azhur University and  Prof.Dr. Abd el Aziz Ibrahim el Tawil, the head and professor of Dermatology and Anderology.

    Dermatology and Andrology department has approved the submitted request of Physician/Rabab Abd Allah Ibrahim Ali about discussing her master thesis. The supervision committee included; Prof.Dr. Assma Muhammad Abd Allah el Refaay, the Assistant professor of          Dermatology and Anderology, Prof. Dr. Shimaa Muhammad Kasem, the lecturer of Neurology , Prof.Dr.Aliaa el Husseini Deaf Allah , Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty. The discussion committee included; Prof.Dr. Adel Ali Ibrahim, the professor of  Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty  , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abd el Wahad Gaber , the professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the Minfoyia University and  Prof.Dr. Assma Muhammad Abd Allah el Refaay, the Assistant professor of Dermatology and Anderology.

    Dermatology and Andrology department has approved the submitted request of Physician/ Shireen el Sayed Sayed Ahmed about discussing her master thesis. The supervision committee included; Prof.Dr. Hanan Hasan Sabry, Professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Gehan Hasan Sabry, Professor of Pathology at the faculty, Prof.Dr.Aliaa el Husseini Deaf Allah , Lecturer of Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty and Prof.Dr.Mahmoud Abd Allah Torky, Lecturer of Radiology. The discussion committee included; Prof.Dr. Assma Muhammad Abd Allah el Refaay, the Assistant professor of          Dermatology and Anderology  , Prof. Dr. Azza Gaber Anter, the assistant professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the faculty and  Prof.Dr. Hanan Hasan Sabry, Professor of Dermatology and Anderology at the Faculty.

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