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Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean hosts at his office the executive manager of the University’s projects prof.Dr. Alaa Amin in order to provide technical support to the quality management unit in the faculty. This meeting was conducted in the presence of the faculty’s members.

Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean hosts at his office Prof.Dr. Samir Hamad who suddenly visits the faculty of engineering/ Benha. This visit concurs with the visit of the members of the accreditation authority in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president and the faculty’s members.

It has been agreed to add some new job responsibilities for the sectors head in the exams as follows:

  1. Supervising the exams rooms

  2. Making sure that the observers are doing the jobs

  3. Making sure that the observers are effective and active

  4. Sign in the attendance register

  5. He has the same authority of the observers in the exams rooms

EL-Mania University announces that there will be an international conference to be held in it. This conference is entitled "a future vision to challenge disability" from 26-3-2019 to 27-3-2019. All faculties member and teaching assistants are invited to attend this conference.

In accordance with the preparations for the visit of the accreditation and quality management team to the faculty of engineering, Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean and prof.Dr. Ahmed EL-Assal, the head of the quality management unit meet with the teaching assistants at the faculty.

In accordance with the preparations for the visit of the accreditation and quality management team to the faculty of engineering, Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean meets with prof.Dr. Ahmed EL-Assal, the head of the quality management unit and Mrs. Azza EL-Rabat, the faculty’s secretary.

The visit of the accreditation team starts at 9 am as they inspect the important documents in addition to paying a visit to the various scientific and adminstritaitive departments. This visit comes in accordance with the accreditation procedures of the faculty.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Muhammad Hashem, prof.Dr. Kasem Salah, prof.Dr. Montaser Marrassi and prof.Dr. Hesham Fathy were hosted by prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the vice president of educational and students’ affairs in the presence of prof.Dr. Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean and prof.Dr. Saad Mahmoud Saad, the head of quality management unit at the faculty.

Prof.Dr. Gamal Muhammad Hashem, prof.Dr. Kasem Salah, prof.Dr. Montaser Marrassi and prof.Dr. Hesham Fathy initiated the visit by meeting prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean, the faculty’s deputy and the departments’ heads in addition to inspecting the documents of the faculty. Finally, they meet with the faculty’s secretary and the departments’ head.

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president meets the accreditation committee of the faculty of engineering/ Benha in the presence of Prof.Dr. Aref Soliman, the faculty’s dean, the faculty’s deputies and the faculty’s members. This meeting comes in accordance with the accreditation procedures.

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