Cordial condolences
Prof.Dr. Abd EL-Hafiz Abd EL-Khaliq EL-Nory, the professor of pediatrics passed away, so the faculty of medicine mourns his death with cordial condolences. May Allah rest his soul.
Benha Faculty of Medicine seeks to achieve excellence and leadership and keep pace with continuous development in the field of medical education and scientific research at the local, regional and international levels...
Benha Faculty of Medicine is committed to qualifying competent doctors capable of competition and scientific advancement. It also pledges to support scientific research in a way that serves the development...
Developing and developing the college’s role in creating an attractive educational environment and preparing competent doctors within the framework of comprehensive quality standards...
Prof.Dr. Abd EL-Hafiz Abd EL-Khaliq EL-Nory, the professor of pediatrics passed away, so the faculty of medicine mourns his death with cordial condolences. May Allah rest his soul.
Thursday is the final day of the tennis sports competition that has been held by the students of the fourth grade at benha stadium.
Mr. Muhammad Magdy Abu- EL-soud wins the second place in the ideal student contest in the faculty wishing him success and prosperity.