Important condolences
The faculty of medicine sadly consoles the death of prof.Dr. Muhammad Ali Zazaa, the professor at the faculty and the former deputy of the faculty. May Allah bless his soul.
Benha Faculty of Medicine seeks to achieve excellence and leadership and keep pace with continuous development in the field of medical education and scientific research at the local, regional and international levels...
Benha Faculty of Medicine is committed to qualifying competent doctors capable of competition and scientific advancement. It also pledges to support scientific research in a way that serves the development...
Developing and developing the college’s role in creating an attractive educational environment and preparing competent doctors within the framework of comprehensive quality standards...
The faculty of medicine sadly consoles the death of prof.Dr. Muhammad Ali Zazaa, the professor at the faculty and the former deputy of the faculty. May Allah bless his soul.
The faculty of medicine sadly console Mrs. Nagah Muhammad EL-Sayed for the death of her husband. May Allah bless his soul.
The stduents exchange conference has begun which was organized by the Arab universities Arab union. The conference was initiated by the word of prof.Dr. Ghalib El-Refaay, the president of El-Ein university in which he stresses that the stduents exchange is very important among the Arab universities to help the youth stimulate their thoughts and culture.