Benha Faculty of Medicine seeks to achieve excellence and leadership and keep pace with continuous development in the field of medical education and scientific research at the local, regional and international levels...


Benha Faculty of Medicine is committed to qualifying competent doctors capable of competition and scientific advancement. It also pledges to support scientific research in a way that serves the development...


Developing and developing the college’s role in creating an attractive educational environment and preparing competent doctors within the framework of comprehensive quality standards...


Benha University mourn the martyrs and the faculty is ready for curing the injured

Benha University issued a statement that the university president, the deputies, the deans, the faculties’ members, the employees and the students condemn the terrorist attack and the faculty of medicine issued another statement in which it denounces the terrorist attack that haunts Egypt. Prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ragah, the faculty’s deputy of community service and environment development stressed that prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd EL-Sabour, the faculty’s dean and prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president ordered that the faculty should be ready to cure the injured.

An important announcement

The exam of histology of the first term will be held on Saturday, 24-12-2016 for the students of the first grade and it will be held for the student of the second grade on Monday, 26-12-2016 in the department at 9 a.m.

An important condolence

The faculty of medicine mourns the death of prof.Dr. Ahmedy Muhammad Ismail in the department of community medicine and general sanitation.

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