Benha Faculty of Medicine seeks to achieve excellence and leadership and keep pace with continuous development in the field of medical education and scientific research at the local, regional and international levels...


Benha Faculty of Medicine is committed to qualifying competent doctors capable of competition and scientific advancement. It also pledges to support scientific research in a way that serves the development...


Developing and developing the college’s role in creating an attractive educational environment and preparing competent doctors within the framework of comprehensive quality standards...


The University President is at Wuhan University in China

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the accompanying delegation and prof.Dr. Hussein Ibrahim, the Egyptian cultural chancellor in China started their tour in China by visiting Wuhan University as they were received by the vice president of Wuhan University. Prof.Dr. Hazem Eliwa, the member of the international relationship office of Benha University asserts that the university delegation visited five Chinese universities to sign mutual protocols and attend the conference of the Egyptian/ Chinese relationship in the agricultural universities in Wuhan.  Prof.Dr. Hussein Ibrahim, the Egyptian cultural chancellor in China received Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Magraghbi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the acting dean of the faculty of applied arts and prof.Dr. Osama Ezat, the deputy of educational affairs at the faculty of engineering in Shubra. The university president says that prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of higher education and prof.Dr. Hassam El-Milahy, the minister’s first assistant of the cultural relationship and scholarships says that the minister pays a great attention to this visit as it will have an enormous impact on Benha University.

The University President presides at the Egyptian /Chinese Forum during his Visit to China

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, the accompanying delegation and prof.Dr. Hussein Ibrahim, the Egyptian cultural chancellor, continue their tour in China. The delegation visits the central china normal university and they were received by the university president. The president of Benha University and the accompanying delegation inaugurate the session of the Egyptian / Chinese forum in the presence of the central normal university president and several public figures and scientists.  In his word at the forum, the president of Benha University refers to how deep is the relationship between Egypt and China and the bilateral relationship is cemented when the president of the Arab Republic of Egypt/ Abd-EL-Fattah EL-Sisi visits China and the president of China/ Shi Jean visits Egypt. The president of Benha University says that the forum is in the frame of activating the cooperation protocols between both countries.  This forum goes in accordance with prof.Dr. Ashraf EL-Shihy’s instructions, the minister of higher education to get in touch with China. The president of Benha University presides at the session of the great scientist / Jan Shian who talks about his agricultural researches and the presidents of Benha university and central normal university inaugurate the office of the international relationship between both countries in China and there will be another office to be inaugurated in Egypt to answer the calls of the Egyptians in China. The president of Benha University also inspects the hall of geometrical studies. 

Benha University participates at the International Conference of Companies and Initiatives in Azerbaijan

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president announces that benha university, represented in Dr. Amin Atef, the teaching assistant at the faculty of engineering in Shubra,  participates at the international confernece of campaneis and initiaives in Azeribaijan.  Dr. Amin Atef says that benha university’s initiative meets the apprasial of the attendacne and the arbtration committee while indicating that this project seeks to qualify the fresh graduates in the egyptian universities to meet the demands of the marketplace in addition to bridging the gap between the university education and the marketplace. It has been recommaded that the counteries should adopt such non-profitable initiatives in order to develop education in the first place. 

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